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文理学院提供健康信息学理学硕士学位. 该课程是在线提供的,要求学生完成36个学分,其中包括一个顶点或一个研究项目

Exposure to three concentrations:

  •  Population 健康 Informatics
  • Clinical Informatics
  • Bioinformatics

Designed to ensure graduates are prepared to:

  • Select, implement, 使用, 并评估医疗保健信息系统,如电子健康记录(EHRs)和数据管理和分析系统.
  • Lead organizational efforts in health informatics.
  • 应用数据分析技能来改变患者护理和护理交付过程.


M.S. 健康 Informatics Program PDF 

Required Courses

Program Description:

The 大学 of Arts and Sciences offers a new academic program, the Master of Science degree in 健康 Informatics. 该课程在线提供,既有论文也有非论文选择. 硕士课程要求学生完成36个学分,其中包括一个顶点课程或一个研究项目.

健康信息学理学硕士的发展始于奥克斯纳·e世博esball健康公平与研究所(oxher)的工作。. OXIHER seeks to improve overall community health, reduce health inequities, develop innovative healthcare delivery models, and model equitable and respectful care. 该计划的发展支持了oxher的指导原则之一:健康职业和公平教育. 这一原则旨在增加在卫生公平方面发挥领导和创新作用的卫生保健工作者的人数. 该计划将增加了解如何使用和分析健康数据的专业人员的数量,最终目的是改善患者护理.

In addition to working with Ochsner 健康, this program will also work with other local agencies, 包括新奥尔良卫生部和路易斯安那州公共卫生研究所. e世博esball大学项目还将寻求与路易斯安那州健康信息局(LBHI)合作。. LBHI serves as the primary hub for many public health-wide data and informatics efforts which includes: coordinating legislative mandates for reporting; managing meaningful 使用 for public health, providing data and visualization services, 管理教区卫生诊所和其他办公室范围内的外部努力和合作伙伴的电子健康记录系统.


  • 教育学生,使他们能够有效地管理病人的健康信息和医疗记录, administer computer information systems, collect and analyze patient data from large datasets (e.g. clinical data wareho使用) for decision-making, and 使用 classification systems and medical terminologies.
  • Educate students to understand various coding systems, terminology/ nomenclatures, 以及用于分析卫生数据和促进卫生信息交换的相关卫生信息标准.

基于CAHIIM的学习目标和能力. 课程毕业生将在以下领域展示知识和技能:

  • 健康
  • Information Science and Technology
  • Social and Behavioral Science
  • 健康 Information Science and Technology
  • Human Factors and Socio-technical Systems
  • Social and Behavioral Aspects of 健康
  • 应用于健康的社会、行为和信息科学与技术
  • Professionalism
  • Inter-professional Collaborative Practice
  • Leadership



  • Fundamentals of 健康 Informatics (3 credit hours)
  • Explorations of Statistics in 健康 Science (3 credit hours)
  • 卫生信息系统:设计与决策(3学时)
  • Database Architecture and Administration (3 credit hours)
  • 健康 Data Analysis (3 credit hours)
  • 健康 Informatics Project Management (3 credit hours)
  • Technology for Population 健康 (3 credit hours)
  • 隐私和安全:保护医疗保健数据(3学时)
  • Capstone or 研究 Project (6 credit hours)
  • Securing Digital Infrastructure (3 credit hours)
  • 医疗保健财务管理技术(3学时)
  • 健康care Quality and 安全 (3 credit hours)
  • Big Data Use and Analysis (3 credit hours)
  • Advanced Topics in Data Warehousing (3 credit hours)

Admissions Requirements

  • 研究生 Application
  • 正式成绩单,表明在联合医疗领域的本科学位的完成, science or social science, or business from an accredited institution
    • 请注意:申请人必须提交来自地区认可的学院或大学的学士学位,至少2分.75年平均绩点
  • Three Academic or Professional Letters of Recommendation
  • Statement of Interest 
    • 请清楚地表达你对公共卫生的兴趣,以及你为什么要攻读这个学位. 也, explain your professional goals, how your goals relate to this degree, and what have you done, either academically or professionally, to guide your interest in public health?
  • 研究生 Record Exam Revised (GRE) Test-Optional
    • Note: The median test scores are 280 combined on the GRE
  • TOEFL Score
    • *非英语为母语的学生将需要通过托福考试,并展示适合服务交付的英语口语理解能力. A minimum TOEFL score of 600 on the paper-based exam, or 100 on the internet-based exam, must be achieved on a test taken within the last two years. 学生可能会被转介去接受口音矫正或ESL教学

Application Steps

  • Submit your online application
  • Pay your $30 application fee
  • 正式成绩单和推荐信是否已上传至申请表或通过电子邮件发送到我们的办公室 or postal mail.
  • 是否将正式成绩单和推荐信通过电子邮件发送到我们的办公室ogp@xula. edu或邮寄到德雷克塞尔路1号研究生项目办公室, 250箱, New Orleans, LA 70125.

教师 and 工作人员:

路易斯安那州e世博esball大学目前有四名健康信息学专业的全职教师. 这些教员来自数据科学、公共卫生科学和药学
  • Martha Earls, Pharm.D. 健康 Disparities, 健康 Equity, Seniors/ Elderly; currently focusing on Vaccine and 健康 Disparities, and Seniors and Social Isolation
  • Chamika Hawkins – Taylor, Ph.D. Race/Place Disparities, Social Epidemiology, 健康 Outcomes; currently focusing on Aging in Place & 黑人患者的住房安排、外周动脉疾病和肢体丧失


  • Nawa Raj Pokhrel, Ph.D. Statistical Modelling in Cybersecurity and Finance
  • Felicia Wheaton, Ph.D. Gerontology; currently focusing on utilizing a variety of population-based surveys, including the 健康 and Retirement Study (HRS), 研究健康差异和心理社会因素对老年人健康和福祉的影响.


Application Deadlines

秋天                                                                                                    春天
April 1 – Priority  October 1 – Priority
May 1 – General December 1 – General




Phone: 504-520-7669